Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Royal Wedding

A few days ago was the Royal Wedding! I was so glad that I got to be there.  It was so much fun! We didn't want to be in the huge crowds but still get the experience, so me and about 8 of us went to Hyde Park to watch it.

There were huge screens set up.

And lots of people

Who had lots of character

And wanted to be brides

And of course there were women in traditional British hats! It made me happy to see.

Everyone clapped and cheered and waved their flags when Will and Kate said "I Will" during the ceremony. They also cheered when Kate and the Queen came on screen for the first time on their way to the church. You can kind of see them waving their flags.

I tried to get lots of pictures of the ceremony, but my camera wasn't coorperating with taking a picture of a screen. But the wedding was so nice and Kate looked so beautiful! I loved her dress.  I also think that the couple looked really relaxed and calm.

This is my favorite picture that I took.

Kate looked so beautiful!

I can't believe they dated for seven years before they got engaged. I would not like that. I do not have that kind of patience.

In stores all around, they had replica rings.  I had to get one.

A couple of girls from my group were crazy.  They went to Buckingham Palace at midnight the night before and waited eleven hours to see Kate and Will ride by.  They were really close, but they slept on the streets, well, mostly didn't sleep the night before. Crazy.

Me and my friends at Hyde Park.

My congratulations to the Bride and Groom picture.

Does this picture need explanation?

Sorry if you were expecting to read about something crazy I did for the wedding, but I do feel like I got the full wedding experience.  Congraulations to Will and Kate!


  1. Honey, it sounds like you had a wonderful experience. We are so happy that you are there. I even got Dad to watch the Royal Wedding with me last night on DVR. I got special British scones and other little finger sweets and we had a party in bed. By the way, their "wedding kiss" was pathetic. Dad made a lot of husband points by watching with me and pretending to be interested. We can't wait to Skype with you tomorrow.

    Love, Mom

  2. I totally woke up in the middle of the night and watched it live before I went to work. I was bawling through most of it - I just love weddings! You are so lucky that you got to be there in person. You will never forget it. I thought the kiss on the balcony was really sweet. Kate looked so beautiful! She seems so classy and like the perfect Princess.
