There were advertisements for Dim Sum everywhere. I didn't know what it was until we went to dinner and my friends ordered it. I think it was somethings like dumplings.
Then we went to Picadilly Circus. And we went into this awesome shop.
There was a candy bar with my name on it. Literally. I didn't buy it though. Which is odd for me.
So, funny story..... I accidentally went to the red light district tonight. We were walking in SOHO and noticed alot of inappropriate shops around. I mentioned to my friends that we were probably in, as I said it, "where the prostitutes work." We were on the edge of the district, almost out, when we saw this door.
The rest of SOHO was nice.
Then we went to Covent Garden. It was so cool! It was an indoor market.
They had these amazing leather journals.
And there was a Pizza Hut literally in a hut.
And a guy preaching in a square. On a unicycle. While he juggled.
So British. And a fantastic name for a frozen yogurt shop.
I just can't get enough of these buildings and streets. They just look unlike anything else I've ever seen. My apologies if I post too many pictures of them.
Then we went to a wonderfully wonderful pastry shop. Owned by mean French people. Who got mad at us for self serving ourselves. We didn't know!
This is what I got. It was heavenly.
Then off to Westminster Abbey we went! It was HUGE!!!! And some of the wedding decorations were still up.
Me and the girlies!
Hope you're all doing well overseas! Thanks for reading!
Oh Lauren, you are so funny... The red light district eh? What a bummer for those people who have to put that sign on their door! Hope you bought one of those journals to record all of your experiences and put all of your play ticket stubs. We miss you !
You girls look like you are having so much fun! Love you!