Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Trafalgar Square and Les Miserables

Wow I have done alot! As I look back at the past week, it's no wonder I am so tired!  I took today to just relax a bit. it was very nice and very much needed. i was very exhausted.

A few days ago, I went to the British Library and the National Portrait Museum. I don't have pictures because you can't take pictures inside. And I forgot to take pictures from the outside. Sorry.

But I did go to Trafalgar Square! It was such a nice spot. It was lunch time so there were lots of people just sitting around enjoying the beautiful day.

This fountain was beautiful

I'm so small on this thing! It's huge!

Classic picture on the steps.

That night I went to the Globe theater but forgot my camera. Sorry! I saw All's Well That Ends Well, which I had just read in class. The show was amazing and some of the actors interpreted their characters in different ways than I imagined them. I'm sorry I have no pictures but I'm going back two more times and I wont forget my camera then!

Tonight I went to Les Miserables. It's such a classic musical and is one of my favorites. It is such a moving and inspiring story. And hooray for my student ID so I could get cheap tickets!

Cosette face

Drama face

Standing next to the poster.

The theater was GOREGOUS. But once again, no photography! The lobby was actually a little small but very intricatley detailed and very, very nice.

I'm sorry the things I have done in the past few days I have no pictures of! But you will be seeing pictures of the Globe soon! I love telling you all about my adventures! Thanks for reading!


  1. So jealous of your life! You know Les Mis is my all-time fav! Keep living it up for me!

  2. We're so glad you're having such a great time. Doesn't look like you're missing much. You get around, girl! Love you. Mom
